Ellen Messer’s book, “Back Rooms: Voices from the Illegal Abortion Era,” was the subject of a vibrant Zoom presentation at last year’s UCWN October event. Subsequently, Ellen donated copies to UCWN, who placed them in area independent bookstores to be sold. UCWN donates the proceeds to the Hudson Valley League of Women Voters (HVLWV). Recent sales have resulted in a third $300 check to HVLWV, with more anticipated. That is a great achievement, and we thank Ellen Messer for her generous contribution. Women’s groups spark great societal change, e.g., universal suffrage, and countless civil and humanitarian initiatives. Our voices count. Engage with friends from UCWN on topics of interest and discuss what steps you can take to transform the world.

Let’s continue our conversations about a UCWN day trip. Let us know your ideas. We’ll plan to enjoy the beauty of nature, art, music, and travel together.

The film, “What Time is Left,” shown at our last event, (see A Note from Sheila Gould), initiated some programming ideas that need input from you, our members. In this way, we can educate ourselves and plan for our best futures. Learn more about the documents and steps we can take, relieving the stress of an unknown future in the same way that having insurance does.

UCWN is your association of women who appreciate the time we share together in ways that are meaningful and relevant to our interests and needs (including fun and sheer socializing with some new places to experience).

As part of our “Aging with Grace” series, our immediate past president of UCWN, Leslie Snow, will lead an yoga lecture/demo event at the Catskill Visitors Center for our next event. She will help us understand the importance of yoga as we age, so we continue to have options. We’ll move, breathing, and relax, and enjoy a potluck meal together in midst of Catskill Park. UCWN will have a contribution jar available to help us cover the rental, insurance, and sundry expenses involved with hosting and presenting Leslie’s class.

We are all looking forward to a radiant summer with increased vitality!

Onwards and upwards,
Gloria Waslyn
President UCWN

Ulster County Women’s Network