UCWN members and guests met on the dock for Hudson Valley Cruises down in the Rondout of Kingston. Dynamic duo Diane Aznoe and Jeriynn Babroff checked people in and handed out tickets and leis. The crew then collected tickets and welcomed the Ulster County Women’s Network on board along with their other guests.
UCWN members found seats on upper and lower decks. They found their way to the open cash bar to get a drink to accompany the pizza supplied by Savona’s restaurant.

Fun with photo booth props. A big round of applause was heard from shore to shore to Diane Aznoe and Jerilynn Babroff this month’s dynamic duo (seated in front) for organizing this great event.

Leslie Snow (at left) is August’s upcoming dynamic duo and shared the plans for the pool party and aqua yoga with attendees.
Participants had an opportunity to listen to descriptions of the historic points along the Rondout and the Hudson River, or to network with friends old and new.
Items of interest included mansions, lighthouses, heron, two nesting eagles, and information on locks, canals and channels.
While networking there were discussions on about many topics as groups formed and shifted. Susan York brought photo booth props and took the attached pictures. In the end, the breezy ride seemed to be enjoyed by all.
Leslie Snow, half of next month’s Dynamic Duo announced next month’s pool party with gentle Aqua Yoga, which will also start early at 4:00-7:00pm at the Enchanted Manor.