How wonderful UCWN is an opportunity for women to form friendly connections over time and shared events. The generosity of long-time member Myrna Sameth is one example of our open heartedness with each other. Last year she had a pool party and potluck at her lovely home, and she has invited her UCWN sister-members to again enjoy the hospitality of her beautiful home for a reprise of the delightful event. Bring your bathing suits for a dip and bring a vegetarian dish or dessert to share. I will share a little bit of my vision to create a Parrots For Peace Sanctuary for the long-term continuity of Parrots for Peace effort I have been doing at various United Nations NGOs for the last 25 years and to have a permanent place to have workshops on Nature’s intelligence and to share their motto: “May there be peace with Mother Earth and with all People, Animals, and Nature.” They have made many peace princes, princesses, and peace family ambassadors over the years, and it is my intention to keep it going for their long lives to impact future generations on important issues of Gaia respect extending to all. I’d love to hear any of your thoughts and ideas. Bring your own legacy dreams and issues that you are passionate about so we can all learn more about each other and how we can inspire and support one another.

Mr. Baby held by UCWN VP Sheila Gould and family. Mr. Baby and life-partner, Ms. Merlin, have three children. They are Peace-nik, Ara, and Hope.