
Judy Kerman Moves On to Help More

Judy Kerman Moves On to Help More

It is with gratitude and regret that we announce the resignation of Judy Kerman from UCWN Advisory Committee (AC). In addition to being a long-time member of UCWN, Judy has served this past year as editor, helping UCWN with writing, copy editing, image editing, Zoom...

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10 Reasons to Consider Becoming a Dynamic Duo

Planning and Organizing a Monthly Event for UCWN By Susan Metzger It’s fun (I have done it twice and am looking forward to doing it again, maybe even with one of you!) It gives you a chance to work with someone else to plan and organize the program, which can be quite...

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Arlene Gould Joins Advisory Committee

Arlene Gould Joins Advisory Committee

Please join us in welcoming Arlene Gould to the UCWN Advisory Committee as secretary. Arlene retired in December 2019 after six years as Executive Coordinator at the Jewish Federation of Ulster County, a position she was appointed to thanks to her meeting Sara...

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Nava Atlas’s Video and Book Links

Nava Atlas’s latest books are out! Plant-Powered Protein 5-Ingredient Vegan Vegan on a Budget

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UCWN Mourns Passing of Joanne Michaels

UCWN Mourns Passing of Joanne Michaels

Joanne Michaels passed away peacefully on December 15, 2020, at the age of 69. Joanne was a publisher, journalist, and author of ten books, most of which focused on the Hudson Valley region of upstate New York, where she made her home. The Hudson Valley and Catskill...

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Bylaws Updated

We saw the need to amend our Bylaws recently as a couple of members wished to bring their male partners to the last event as guests. As much as we hate to say “no,” after an emergency discussion we voted to not allow people identifying as male to...

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Gratitude to Rachel Jackson

Gratitude to Rachel Jackson

Please join the UCWN Advisory Committee as we say “thank you” to Rachel Jackson, who served as our first Community Relations Coordinator. During her two-year tenure, Rachel established the Business Partners program, building relationships with more than a dozen Ulster...

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Diane’s Preparedness Tips

Cold weather is here. But don’t let the winter chill put a freeze on your readiness for winter weather. Take action now for colder temperatures. Here are some tips from to help you get started. Prepare for a winter storm. Know that winter...

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A New Year’s note from our president, Leslie Snow

What a year! We had our last luncheon in March, then lockdown. I was still enjoying the “vacation” when Kristin Wenger roused me, and us, to stage a virtual event for May. Since then we have attempted to fill the pandemic void—a lack of opportunities to interact with...

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Ulster County Women’s Network