UCWN Bylaws

Mission Statement

Ulster County Women’s Network (UCWN), is an open forum for the exchange of information and ideas to enhance the quality of women’s lives in the Catskills and Hudson Valley regions.

Membership and Dues

Membership is open to all people who identify as women. A one-year membership is $25. Non-members may attend events by paying the single event attendance fee.

Member Benefits

Members have:

–Full access to the website including the Member Directory

–Special pricing for events

–The opportunity to network, both professionally and socially, with other UCWN members at events

–Discounts with business affiliates

–The ability to post and advertise their own events

Advisory Committee

The UCWN Advisory Committee officers are: president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Other officers who serve on the advisory committee may include: email administrator, social media maven, website administrator, event coordinator, community partners coordinator(s), historian, and editor with Advisory Committee approval. All officers are asked to commit to two years of service. An officer may change roles before the term is expired with the approval of the Advisory Committee. A two-year commitment is expected for any new role. The UCWN Advisory Committee meets once or twice per month, at the discretion of the president. Advisory Committee meetings are open to any UCWN members who are interested.

Other committees may be formed as needed on an ad hoc basis at the discretion of the President.

Past presidents who have completed a full term will receive free lifetime membership.

Annual Meeting

The slate of officers shall be approved by simple majority of the members at the September Annual Meeting. Members interested in serving should inform the President no later than August 1.

Balances and a list of disbursements for the preceding year (September through August) will be reported at the Annual Meeting in September of each year.


Events refer to monthly Zoom or face-to-face networking events open to all members and guests. Events are held, with occasional exceptions, on the second Tuesday of every month and begin at 5:30 p.m. All dates and times will be announced by email and posted on the UCWN.org website. Events are held in restaurants, member homes, or venues in Ulster County, or on Zoom. Events are produced and scheduled by the officers, dynamic duos (event planners/hosts), and committees. 

Scholarship Fund

A portion of the dues will be made payable as a scholarship to an Ulster County female high school student in good academic standing bound for college. Student selection is made by a committee named by the President.

UCWN Bylaws approved by the Advisory Committee on January 19, 2021; emended 4/9/2021.

Contact us.

Our Mission

Ulster County Womens Network is an open forum for the exchange of information and ideas to enhance the quality of women’s lives and vocations in the Catskills and Hudson Valley Region.

Ulster County Women’s Network