The Advisory Committee of UCWN wishes you a happy and prosperous 2020. We look forward to the year’s events we already have planned and, in order to refine our as-yet-unplanned events to your preference, we ask that you complete a preferences survey. This will give us the needed information about what kind of events you’d like UCWN to present.
As part of this survey, we’d like to know a little about you, why you joined, and what you hope to get out of the club, what you like and don’t like, and what we can do to better serve your needs. We also have a host of new ideas and we’d like to hear your reaction to them. We’d also like to hear of any ideas that you have!
The survey will be mailed to all 477 subscribers to our MailChimp distribution list in batches. Please complete the survey once only. Except as noted in the survey, all answers are reported in the aggregate, that is, you won’t be personally identified in the reporting. No need to be concerned about a privacy breach.
UCWN member Susan Metzger, Director of Research at Renaissance Research & Consulting, Inc., has generously donated her time and service to UCWN to design and analyze this survey, with the help of UCWN Advisory Committee members Rachel Jackson and Gloria Waslyn. Thanks to Susan, Rachel, and Gloria for their efforts to plan and design this survey.
Details about how to complete the survey are included in the email, along with links.
Please take the time to complete the survey, once you receive the invitation via email, so we can be a better and more focused UCWN for you. Contact Rachel Jackson,, or Gloria Waslyn,, with any questions you may have.