Date(s) - January 16, 2020
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm
Any computer
You are invited to the first of Joan Apter’s weekly Zoom! calls:
“An Introduction to Essential Oils
and the
Young Living Wellness Lifestyle”
This call is open to anyone who would like a refresher on the Young Living Essential Oil Basics. Joan will go over Aromatherapy 101, the history of essential oils, the top 12 essential oils for everyday wellness, use and safety, importance of purity, ingesting, natural personal care, stress and inflammation/pain, and so much more! There will be a 10-minute window for questions.
Invite your friends!
Please email me your questions in advance at
To join the Zoom! meeting:
Meeting ID: 318 555 179
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 318 555 179
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