The UCWN returned to Hickory BBQ in April for networking arranged by the Dynamic Duo for the month, Judith Kerman and Shelley Parriot. The evening started with some networking over pretzels and popcorn followed by a tasty meal of salmon and pulled pork with salad and a side of squashes. After dinner Judith introduced the speaker they had arranged for the evening.
Polly Law, manager at the Catskill Native Nursery spoke to the membership about the importance of using native plants in the garden and weeding out invasive species. She compared planting beautiful flowers with no native species included to inviting one’s friends over for dinner and offering them plastic food. In other words the insects and birds need specific types of pollen to survive. One example was the Karner Blue Butterfly (Plebejus samelis) that eats ONLY on the leaves of the wild lupine plant (blue variety) all other colors are inedible to this endangered species.
Polly also was a proponent of fencing that will protect your garden from deer who eat everything and destroy much of the diversity that the smaller creatures need to survive which causes problems up the food chain. Many of us has heard that bees were endangered but not the importance of providing habitat for our native bees which aren’t the honeybees we hear so much about.
She explained that fences do not have to be solid height. A lower fence with tall posts and a garland of chain give the appearance of height and deer are reluctant to jump it. Deer will also not jump into an area they can’t see, so a solid fence just a little higher than a deer vision also works.
Polly spoke about how the people at her nursery were trained scientists so the information she was sharing was based in scientifically proven facts. She went on to answer many questions from those in attendance and gave everyone a flyer about Gardening for a Better Environment. You can find out more about native plants by visiting the nursery located in Kerhonkson or by visiting their website at

The April Dynamic Duo surround the evening’s guest speaker: Judith Kerman, Polly Law and Shelley Parriot are all smiles.