then please read this carefully.
We, UCWN, have had to adapt to the changes in society and in our individual lifestyles during this pandemic. Instead of offering monthly opportunities for our friends and members to meet face-to-face for a shared meal and uplifting entertainment, we can instead offer only Zoom meetings, where we can see and hear our friends and share an hour or so of interesting content. Our virtual life has grown exponentially, with too many Zoom meetings, too many calendar entries, and too many emails.
Please don’t let emails from UCWN get lost in your overflowing inbox! When you register for a Zoom event, you will subsequently receive an automated confirmation email, sent to the email address associated with your subscription or membership. It says “Booking Confirmed” in the subject field and is from In it, you will see the Zoom link, ID, and password that allow you entry into the Zoom meeting. N.B.: We do not use recurring meeting links for security reasons.
The day before the scheduled event, you will receive another automated email with “Reminder — ” in the subject: field. It also contains this Zoom meeting info. You have two chances to retain this information. Please add this information to your calendar. You can enter with the link, or use the meeting ID and password after clicking the “Join Meeting” feature of a Zoom home screen.
This process is spelled out in the description of the event on; please read through to the end. Several people could not find these emails right before our last event. Unfortunately, I am occupied hosting the Zoom meeting, so I cannot always help by resending the Zoom info right then.
Until the month comes, hopefully by March 2021, when we can again host get-togethers in person, we have to do our best with the help of Zoom. We volunteers want to get you the information you need to make your UCWN Zoom experience the best one possible for you. Please reach out to me, Leslie, at, or any other Advisory Committee member, if you need assistance.