It is with gratitude and regret that we announce the resignation of Judy Kerman from UCWN Advisory Committee (AC). In addition to being a long-time member of UCWN, Judy has served this past year as editor, helping UCWN with writing, copy editing, image editing, Zoom hosting, and video processing and posting to our channel. And decision-making!
Judy was one of the dynamic duo for our November 2021 Virtual Studio Tour event, which was our most well-attended of all our Zoom offerings. Nine UCWN artists; one of which was Judy, shared their studios and art work with 40+ members and guests. Such exceptional artists in our midst!
We, on the AC, have been repeatedly amazed at the breadth of Judy’s vast experience, many skills, and developed talents, and her willingness to share all with us.
Judy leaves to serve on the Town of Woodstock Planning Board and other civic organizations that will benefit all citizens of Ulster County.
Thank you for your service, Judy. It has been a pleasure to work with you.