The window to make changes to your Medicare Advantage carriers is upon us and closes in December until next year. So, UCWN has invited two long-time members, Jacquie Wolf and Susan Diamond of Independent Insurance Agency, Health Options NY, to inform our members and guests on key issues at our November gathering. We need to be aware of the opportunity to change carriers to a package that best suits our needs. Not all carriers are offered in Ulster County, but Jacquie and Susan will speak about all the ones that are open to us. This informative and important topic is relevant to all of us as we decide to keep our current plan or select a different one. We look forward to a robust Q&A that addresses our concerns and individual issues. One such issue that has been raised by several women is that they are charged for “dense breasts,” requiring an enhanced mammography*. Recently FDA mandated breast density disclosure on mammograms, and our guests will explain the implications. While our presenters are not in a position to recommend changes to the insurance carriers, we can express our thoughts for validation of our concerns and perhaps brainstorm solutions at another session.
*Jacquie and Sue are not qualified to offer medical advice or advocacy. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent seven organizations, which offer 40 or more products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.
Our last UCWN event with presenter Manna Jo Greene, a UC Legislator, was informative and vibrant. Several members of Kingston SSIP (Settled and Serving in Place), Kingston branch, brought up lived experience issues that would improve the quality of life for seniors. There were many excellent suggestions that Manna Jo listened to, and she showed us how to bring these to legislative committees for attention. She also updated everyone on how the Legislature works and the committees that serve our county. Gina Hansut, also a UC Legislator, was unable to co-present due to a family issue, but will be at a future event.
Sheila Gould, UCWN VP (with the mostest!), was inspired by these ideas raised and asked Susan Koppenhaver of Ulster County Office of the Aging to host a session on Medicare Advantage plan updates. We’ll let you know at a future date. Great idea, Sheila! Bravo.
Thank you to Randy Greene Mundi for making the NYSUT conference room available to UCWN for both the October and November meetings. There were a several retired teachers at the meeting, so it was home to many of us.
Happy VOTING. Get your neighbors, friends, and anyone you meet to vote by reminding them of the options and deadlines. Women fought for the right to vote. VOTE! Volunteer to drive people to polling places and find out all the ways you can send voter reminder postcards and other helpful ways to make it easy for people to vote by checking in with the Board of Elections, HV League of Women Voters, your local political committee and the variety of organizations that promote voting access (Souls to the Polls, Indivisible, and so many others).
Save the date for the UCWN Holiday Dinner on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. More details soon!
Onward and Upward,
Gloria Waslyn
President UCWN