Our County Executive Pat Ryan has expressed concerns at a recent Zoom meeting about an increased suicide rate in the county. Many of the hospitals have been cut from federal reimbursements and have closed or given up beds for the mentally ill. Our governor has had to cut all social service budgets by 20 percent. This has become a crisis with so many more now in need. He urged us to write to Governor Cuomo and show our concern over hospitals neglecting mental health! He asks that we email the Governor and express our concern. Go to Governor.NY.Gov.

Please remember our county food banks this holiday season and Family of Woodstock, who support so many in need!

Office of the Aging is always in need of drivers to deliver meals to seniors in need! This can be done with little risk during Covid, so please contact Patrick McDonough, if you can spare some time to do so. During the long winter months, phoning to check in on seniors may be needed! I am hoping our women’s network could join in on this task. Stay tuned on this in January! 

Ulster holiday music and cheer for you! We need it! If you have never attended an Ars Choralis concert in Woodstock, you have missed something great! It is like attending the best at Carnegie Hall! The Director, Barbara Picknhardt, is a creative musical genius! This year they will bring both holiday concerts to us virtually! The first is December 6, “Imagining Peace” at 4:00 p.m.! The second is December 31, “New Day Dawning” at 6:00 p.m.

Tune in at www.arschoralis.org. You are in for a holiday treat! Do not miss! You may also follow them on Facebook! Enjoy!

Sheila Gould

Ulster County Women’s Network