Happy summer everyone! Our Walk & Talk events are always fun, so be sure to bring something to eat and share at our July event. Thanks to UCWN members Jerilynn Babroff and Randy Greene for organizing this event, as we had such a good time at this venue a couple of years ago.
Some upcoming events include meeting the Parrots for Peace and learning about my vision for a local parrot sanctuary, which will hold workshops on nature’s intelligence and be a safe haven for parrots. We also have plans to host two Ulster County legislators: Manna Jo Greene and Gina Hansut, who seek our thoughts on what bills they can bring before the legislature. Ms. Greene proposes a larger font on food labels, restaurant menus, and medications, so that we don’t have to magnify the type with our cell phones or a magnifying glass. She and Legislator Hansut are also interested in getting our support for the Environmental Committee issues they are proposing.
We’ll also plan a followup on the Death Literacy 101 workshop UCWN sponsored through the Office of the Aging that we held in April and May. We are on the move together!
Our holiday party is in the planning stages, so if you have ideas on entertainment, venue, or themes, please let VP Sheila Gould or me know. Thank you. This is YOUR network—to foster engaging friendships and activities that enrich our lives.
Onward and upward,
Ulster County Women’s Network